⚽️ »United by Football. Vereint im Herzen Europas« 🇪🇺 Erreichbarkeit der Kölner Philharmonie während der Euro 2024 – Weitere Infos

The Kuratorium KölnMusik e.V

The fact that KölnMusik can present excellent concerts at affordable prices is only possible due to the generous backing of the Association of Friends of KölnMusik, the KölnMusik Kuratorium e. V. Comprising leading representatives from Cologne's industrial and commercial community and many private individuals, the association supports not only concerts, but also facilitates other pioneering projects, such as innovative series, commissioning new works from budding young composers or launching youth projects, offering a variety of musical activities in the Cologne area.

» Datenschutzinformation des Kuratorium KölnMusik e.V. nach Artikel (Art.) 13, 14 und 21 der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO)