⚽️ »United by Football. Vereint im Herzen Europas« 🇪🇺 Erreichbarkeit der Kölner Philharmonie während der Euro 2024 – Weitere Infos

[ ?!? ] A multi-media Installation

The event is in the past!

Event cancelled

Art that is, for once, not elevated to a plinth or stage, but a participatory event in the urban space, amidst the daily life of a city centre? That is the least you can expect from a project run by a group of students at the Cologne Academy of Media Arts. Supported and guided by Prof. Frauke Eckhardt and Tobias Hartmann, the participants will enhance varying locations and festival venues with their installations between May 1 and 9. The contributions are conceived individually and independently; only the recognizable element of a metal frame offers a reference to the overall context, and, with regard to the festival motto, can also be read as an allusion to panels, the continuous individual images of a comic strip. The city as a soundscape? As a space to design? A space for interaction? Even as a protagonist in its own right? Or merely as a backdrop? And the art inside the frame – only a fleeting accent? Or lasting food for thought? Having asked 7 questions, we cross 8 bridges to find 9 different answers.


Tobias Hartmann Künstlerisch-wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der KHM


[ ?!? ]
Eine multimediale Installation

Jeesoo Hong
Along the Wall

Caspar Etti

Blanca Barbat
Blank Stare
Räumliches Hörstück

Rebecca Beauchamp
Happines is Easy
Audiovisuelle Installation

Yoora Park

Ting Chun Liu
Audiovisuelle Installation
Ultrasonic Speaker, LED Stripes, Color Foyl

Duhyoung Kim
Interaktive Raum-Klanginstallation
Aluminium, Eisen, Pappe mit Audio-System / 450x220x35cm

Emmanuel Homberger
Interaktive Klanginstallation

Julian Quentin
territories // territories
4-Kanal Audioinstallation
4 Transducer

ACHT BRÜCKEN in Kooperation mit der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln