⚽️ »United by Football. Vereint im Herzen Europas« 🇪🇺 Erreichbarkeit der Kölner Philharmonie während der Euro 2024 – Weitere Infos

Helmut Lachenmann ©Emilio Pomàrico

Monday 01.05.2023, 11:00  (Tag der Arbeit)

Helmut Lachenmann: GOT LOST

Musik für hohen Sopran und Klavier mit Texten von Friedrich Nietzsche und Fernando Pessoa

The event is in the past!

The fact that the title of his almost 30-minute vocal piece was associated with »gottlos« (godless), inspired Helmut Lachenmann, the son of a family of pastors. The search for an ultimate, all-encompassing and transcendental truth remains fruitless here – possibly because the texts set to music are rather too heterogeneous. A quatrain from Friedrich Nietzsche’s »Die fröhliche Wissenschaft« (The Gay Science), a nonsense poem by Fernando Pessoa, and a want ad for a lost laundry basket – where is the connection? Whether philosophical, poetic or incidental, Lachenmann subjects language to a torture of phrasing techniques, sends it through a ragged obstacle course of intervals, sound colours and dynamic contrasts, until the meaning of the words – quite playfully – is lost underfoot. The process of hearing becomes the subject, as language is transformed into music.

No intermission | Estimated end at 11:30


Yuko Kakuta soprano
Yukiko Sugawara Klavier


Helmut Lachenmann
Musik für hohen Sopran und Klavier
Text: Friedrich Nietzsche und Fernando Pessoa


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Kölner Philharmonie