⚽️ »United by Football. Vereint im Herzen Europas« 🇪🇺 Erreichbarkeit der Kölner Philharmonie während der Euro 2024 – Weitere Infos

Helena Cánovas i Parés ©Anna Tena

Samuel Beckett, Words and Music

Morton Feldman und ein neues Werk von Helena Cánovas i Parés

The event is in the past!

  • € 24.- | With discount: € 18.- Box office tickets from 2 p.m. (only card payment)

including booking fees

Samuel Beckett could not stand musical settings of his texts. However, in his experimental radio play »Words and Music« of 1961, next to a speaking character called »Words« (aka Joe), there is one called »Music« (aka Bob), who only utters wordless sounds. In order to bring him to life, the author needed a composer as a partner. For a new production in 1987, Beckett himself suggested Morton Feldman, possibly because he saw parallels between his own working method and that of the American, who was known for subtle variations and new combinations of highly reduced material. »It was a huge amount of fun to do something for Beckett,« Feldman declared, »a sort of tribute to him, i.e. someone who has been part of my life since the 1950s.« The programme of the E-MEX-Ensemble is rounded out with a new work by the Catalan composer Helena Cánovas i Parés, which also refers to a Beckett text, the 1979 novella »Company«. 

​Supported by Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

No intermission | Estimated end at 16:30


Helena Cánovas i Parés
devising it all for company
für Ensemble
Kompositionsauftrag von ACHT BRÜCKEN | Musik für Köln, gefördert durch das Institut Ramon Llull

Samuel Beckett / Morton Feldman
Words and Music
Live-Hörspiel von Samuel Beckett für zwei Sprecher. Mit Musik von Morton Feldman für Kammerensemble. Text in deutscher Übertragung von Elmar Tophoven


In addition

12:00 Uhr, Klaus-von-Bismarck-Saal

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