⚽️ »United by Football. Vereint im Herzen Europas« 🇪🇺 Erreichbarkeit der Kölner Philharmonie während der Euro 2024 – Weitere Infos

Soulcrane ©Julia Haack

Wednesday 03.05.2023, 22:00 

ACHT BRÜCKEN Festivalzelt

Soulcrane invites Tony Lakatos

The event is in the past!

The trumpet player Matthias Schwengler, Philipp Brämswig on guitar and bass player Reza Askari form the jazz trio Soulcrane. All members bring their own influences to the band, creating a shared sound with a warm character that always retains a chamber music sensitivity. At ACHT BRÜCKEN, the Hungarian-born saxophone player Tony Lakatos, a luminary of European »straight jazz«, joins the trio, transforming it into a quartet for this occasion.

Estimated end at 23:30



Soulcrane invites Tony Lakatos


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