⚽️ »United by Football. Vereint im Herzen Europas« 🇪🇺 Erreichbarkeit der Kölner Philharmonie während der Euro 2024 – Weitere Infos

Klangforum ©Tina Herzl

the room of remembrance

The event is in the past!

The state goal of this concert project by Klangforum Wien is »playing around with the boundaries between consciousness and amnesia […] through various states of inebriation«. Sounds promising! But it might also arouse a certain scepticism. What may this involve? Before you entrust yourself to our Austrian guests for a five-hour »symposion« inspired by antique models, a taster is in order. Not of the wine – that would be premature at lunchtime – but of the music, which is no less inebriating. Terry Riley’s half-hour ensemble piece offers a preview that is entirely representative of the whole. Riley is a pioneer of the movement that has come to be known as minimalism in American current music. His piece »the room of remembrance« sounds like a mixture of musical mandalas, romantic cantilenas and wind-up toy aesthetics. A stimulating aperitif with a complex recipe, full of resonant flavours and with a significant intoxication factor. If this is to your taste, the evening programme offers more!

​ACHT BRÜCKEN Lunch wird ermöglicht durch Otto Fuchs Schüco.

Estimated end at 12:30



Terry Riley
the room of remembrance
Bearbeitung: Wilker / Preinfalk (2022)


In addition

Symposion. Eight Divisions of Inebriation
19:00 Uhr, Stadthalle Köln-Mülheim

Concerts in this subscription