✨ Ihre Anreise in der Vorweihnachtszeit ✨ – Weitere Infos

Cantando Admont ©Valerie Maltseva

Saturday 07.05.2022, 12:00 

Kunst-Station Sankt Peter

An Introduction to Cantando Admont

This evening, Cantando Admont and the Concertgebouworkest perform at the Philharmonie, playing the German premiere of a work by Beat Furrer, among other works. Before the performance, the vocal ensemble offers intriguing insights into the Swiss-born composer’s work at this ACHT BRÜCKEN Lunch. The ensemble, which specializes in early and new music, has worked intensely with Furrer several times already, for example on performances of his musical theatre work »Begehren« and the opera »Violetter Schnee«. What do we know about the new work? Only that it has to do with texts from »Eisejuaz«, a wonderful novel by the Argentinian writer Sara Gallardo which was only translated into German in 2017. Its protagonist, a member of the Mataco people, tells his dramatic story in a language that strikes the reader as utterly unusual. It is marked by the thinking and idiom of his indigenous culture and opens a new, unheard-of perspective on the world.

ACHT BRÜCKEN Lunch wird ermöglicht durch Otto Fuchs Schüco.

Event is in the past