Cantando Admont ©Valerie Maltseva

Saturday 07.05.2022, 20:00 

Coptic Light

Cantando Admont | Concertgebouworkest | David Robertson

It is one of the most remarkable pieces not just in most recent music history: in 1986 Morton Feldman wrote »Coptic Light«, a work in which no less than 106 orchestral musicians treat sounds in unison, like a gently breathing organism. This requires a sublime culture of sound – as guaranteed by the Concertgebouworkest from Amsterdam. Under the baton of the American new music specialist David Robertson, this venerable world-class orchestra devotes itself to extraordinary orchestral colours, from György Ligeti’s cult piece »Atmosphères« to a new work by the Austrian Beat Furrer and »Pas de deux« by the Dutchman Otto Ketting. In between, the vocal ensemble Cantando Admont demonstrates the incredibly modern sound produced as early as the 16th century, in an a-cappella wonderwork by the renaissance composer Cristóbal de Morales.

Das Konzert im Videostream: Di 31. Mai 2022 20:00 Verfügbar bis Sa 30. Juli 2022.

Kottmair Architekten unterstützen ACHT BRÜCKEN | Musik für Köln.



€ 69.- | 59.- | 49.- | 37.- | 27.- | 10.- | Z: 49.-

plus booking fees

Event is in the past