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Illustration von Martha Colburn zu Richard Ayres: "The Garden" ©Martha Colburn

Saturday 01.05.2021, 19:00 

Richard Ayres: The Garden

Dieses Konzert können Sie in einem Video-Stream auf philharmonie.tv und in der ACHT BRÜCKEN Mediathek erleben.

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We all know that music can conjure up images within us. In Richard Ayres’ No. 50 (The Garden), a work lasting slightly over an hour, things are somewhat the other way around. The Garden of Earthly Delights, a painting by Hieronymus Bosch, is the central point of reference, but also Dante’s Divine Comedy. Searching for the deeper meaning, a man digs through his garden, only to ultimately end up in his own company again. A grotesque drama, tragicomical and full of black humour. The decidedly visual music is underlined graphically and dramatically by image sequences by the experimental filmmaker Martha Colburn. A densely-woven array of moving images, sound, narrative and sung texts, for which the composer has borrowed from Dante, Shakespeare and Poe, to name but a few. Ayres’ composition is as narrative, in a similarly concrete sense, as Colburn’s film is rhythmical and music-oriented. Animated musical theatre? Musical cartoons? Gothic novels set to instrumental music? Richard Ayres calls it "cinema between the ears".

Funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and supported by KOTTMAIR Architekten

No intermision | Estimated end at 20:15


Karl Huml bass baritone

Ed Spanjaard Dirigent


Richard Ayres
No. 50 (The Garden)
für Bass solo, Ensemble und Soundtrack. Text vom Komponisten, Worte von Dante, Leopardi, Shakespeare, Poe, Rossetti und anderen integrierend
Mit Visuals von Martha Colburn


In addition

meet the composer
18:00 Uhr, Empore

Kölner Philharmonie