⚽️ »United by Football. Vereint im Herzen Europas« 🇪🇺 Erreichbarkeit der Kölner Philharmonie während der Euro 2024 – Weitere Infos

Elisa Erkelenz und David-Maria Gramse ©Des Pudels Kern

Saturday 07.05.2022, 22:00 

Konzertkasse der Kölner Philharmonie


Des Pudels Kern

The event is in the past!

»What I always strive for is to understand what keeps humans in motion so aimlessly that they divorce themselves from nature as if in a blind rage; trying to understand this great change which is about to be implemented without our even noticing« – says the Swiss-Austrian composer Beat Furrer, known mainly for musical theatre works. The new discussion series »Des Pudels Kern« (The Heart of the Matter) has him encounter the biologist and philosopher Andreas Weber, whose book »Indigenialität« might be summarized in the thesis »We are all savages!«. To Weber, »savages« are those cultures before the invention of agriculture whose self-concept over millennia was that they considered themselves part of an all-encompassing ecosystem of mutual giving and accepting. Today, civilization has colonized not only almost all indigenous peoples, but also our own thinking and feeling, driving the exploitation of natural resources to its limits. Suddenly, the nearly-extinct philosophy of life of the »savages« once again seems highly topical …

Des Pudels Kern "Wilde" wird ermöglicht durch den Spezialchemie-Konzern LANXESS.


Beat Furrer Komponist
Elisa Erkelenz presentation
David Maria Gramse presentation
Dr. Andreas Weber philosopher, biologist

ACHT BRÜCKEN in Kooperation mit KölnMusik

In addition

Coptic Light
20:00 Uhr, Konzertsaal

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