»Garage« is a Cologne-based group which breaks down boundaries between the arts, but also fixed roles and hierarchies of composing and performing. »Vortex« is an ensemble from Geneva pursuing a similar mission. Reacting to the painful experience of extensive contact restrictions during the pandemic, the two ensembles have decided to meet in person, growing into a new collective together for the duration of a project. How does that kind of thing work? The point of departure of this compositional adventure is a ritual experienced jointly in the Swiss mountains. After additional working sessions, the performance also revolves around notions of ritual and memory. Of course the exact content of the collectively developed piece is still open, but it will certainly contain stage sets and choreography, possibly home-made instruments, and include the audience – a celebration of togetherness and the basic commonality of making music together, now happily regained.
Gefördert durch die Kunststiftung NRW
Im Rahmen der Ensemble Garage Konzertreihe acts 'n' sounds gefördert durch das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Mit Unterstützung der Schweizer Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia
Garage | Vortex
SumA - Episode Köln
von 11 Performer*innen für und mit Publikum
€ 20.- | With discount: € 15.-
plus booking fees