Yorgos Ziavras ©Leander Mundus

Sunday 01.05.2022, 20:00 


Was Mozart allowed to compose »alla turca«? Are white people entitled to play the blues? The debate on cultural appropriation raises odd questions. Robert HP Platz once compared his role as a composer to an amoeba, a one-cell creature without fixed shapes which simply flows around nutrients in its surroundings and thereby absorbs them. So can a German composer be inspired, in passing, as it were, by Far Eastern music, eating Indian dates or seeing a Sicilian coastal town, and »merge these disparate influences from different cultures in one whole, in such a way that the individual components do not come across as quotations, thereby being placed outside the context?« Does a Japanese musician who lives and studied in Germany still make Japanese music? And can we really say that Peter Eötvös, having been cut off from the developments of the Western European avant-garde during the Cold War era, has only adapted the modalities of New Music, but not internalized them? Three premieres as a plea for vivid cultural exchange in all directions. And for the amoeba as a role model!

​Das Konzert im Radio: Dienstag, 17.05.2022, WDR3 Konzert, 20:04

Gefördert durch die Kunststiftung NRW. 

Der im heutigen Konzert verwendete Transducerflügel ist ein Instrument der Klaviermanufaktur Steingraeber & Söhne, Bayreuth. 

Event is in the past